Wednesday 8 March 2017

Thanksgiving Survival Guide

Here are a few survival tips to not ruin my diet, and not go overboard with the drinking. I want to be able to enjoy the time with my friends and family and enjoying the day.
Eat Breakfast – Skipping breakfast can lower your metabolism for the day and make you over eat later in the day. Over eating leads to more calories than you need. So opt for some oatmeal or egg whites with some veggies. You will thank me the next day.
Go for the Veggies – I know, so much easier said than done, but try to fill your plate with more veggies than creamed foods. Even try to just stick to the veggies for appetizer times. If you want to do dips, just try it sparingly. The veggies will make it easier to detox and also is easier on your digestion when you are eating so many other foods.
Don’t Drink Your Calories – This is also a large feat to ask. However, you can choose better options like wine or beer rather than sugary cocktails or creamy drinks with alcohol. Try alternating a drink with water or carbonated water. It will also help you from overeating when you are buzzed and go for the third slice of pecan pie. Besides, you want to be able to taste the turkey right?
Enjoy Yourself  – Remember, Thanksgiving is about being with friends and family and enjoying their company and engaging in conversation and not just about shoveling food into your hole.
Spoon Rule – If you want to try everything, just take a spoonful of each dish. That way you can try everything and not feel deprived and actually see if you like it. You don’t want to feel pressure to eat it just because you took 1/2 cup of the creamy casserole and you don’t even like it. That way, if you do like the taste you can make an informed decision if you want to get seconds.
Savor – Have your dessert. You deserve it. But when you are eating it, enjoy and savor each bite. Notice the taste, texture and smell.

Deliciously Healthy Alternatives to Indulge: 

Holidays and unhealthy eating sometimes go hand-in-hand, but it doesn’t have to be this way. You can maintain your health goals throughout the silly season just by being wiser about the foods you eat. Here are some healthy food ideas that don’t put tastiness on the backburner.  
Dip in!
Dip are great for snacks and they’re the perfect appetisers. The downside? They’re usually full of calories. You don’t want to waste all your calories on dips before tucking into the main meal, so nip them in the bud by ensuring your dips are made from healthy ingredients. This tomato dip has only 162 calories per serving and makes use of light cream cheese and lemon juice for extra taste.
Healthy Treats for Your Sweet Tooth
Sneak a bit of sweet indulgence into your meals. An idea is to sprinkle nuts over your salads or even your veggies. Add even more flavour and spice to nuts with this recipe that roasts them with thyme, rosemary, pepper and olive oil. 

Another idea for healthy sweet treats is to use fresh fruits in your desserts as much as possible so that you gain nutritional benefit and deliciousness without craving the cookie jar after dinner.

Give Unhealthy Foods a Nutritional Kick
By substituting some unhealthy ingredients for more nutritious ones, you make your meals so much better for you. Here are some examples:
  • Use comforting vegetables instead of cheese in pasta dishes – creamy butternut and sweet potatoes are great ideas.
  • Instead of using vegetable oils in your cooking, use coconut oil instead as a large amount of its fat content is made up of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) that help your body lose weight.
  • When using bread crumbs in recipes, such as when making meatballs, replace them with healthy chia seeds instead. They’ve got so much more fibre and protein than bread.
Bring on the Veggies
Whether you’re cooking Christmas dinner or attending it at someone’s house, reach for the vegetables before any other foods on display. This is a great way to ease your hunger while giving your body a boost of nutrients. After filling up on tasty veggies, you might not even feel tempted to eat any of the sinful, fattening foods that are also present.
You can make veggies so much more interesting and comforting by baking them or adding them to other meals, such as by making muffins or meat loaf with grated veggies in them. 

While you’re enjoying your vegetable dishes during the holidays, use the time to burn extra calories, such as by strapping on a waist trainer. Make the combination of your healthy eating and waist workout more powerful by adding spices to your veggies: they boost your metabolism, increasing your body’s calorie-burning power.

Choose Dark Chocolate!
Sometimes you just can’t help but want to indulge a little – it is the festive season, after all. If you’re going to have dessert, be smart about it by choosing dark chocolate. It contains minerals such as magnesium and iron, while helping to keep your blood vessels and heart healthy. This is because it is rich in flavanols that stimulate the arteries to produce a gas which makes them relax, reducing your blood pressure. So, when you’re faced with a dessert menu, opt for the darker variety of chocolate to reap its health benefits.
There are many easy ways in which you can make your festive season food a lot healthier this year. By tweaking your meals with some smart tips, you can enjoy nutritious and delicious foods while slashing unnecessary calories.  

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